Handling a new dataset
· 🕘 12 min read · 🤖 Matteo Miotto
Let's see what operations to perform when you are faced with a new dataset

Measures of dispersion
· 🕘 5 min read · 🤖 Matteo Miotto
The measures of dispersion are the basis of the descriptive statistics. Let's see what they are and their uses.

GGPLOT2 coordinates
· 🕘 5 min read · 🤖 Matteo Miotto
Coordinate function in ggplot2: change axes aspect and create a pieplot

Can mRNA modify our DNA?
· 🕘 8 min read · 🤖 Matteo Miotto
Welcome to celltropolis: what are DNA and mRNA, and why we have to bust some myth

Welcome to celltropolis: introduction
· 🕘 2 min read · 🤖 Matteo Miotto
Introduction to the new science-pills series: a journey through that metropoly that is called cell

GGPLOT2 scales
· 🕘 4 min read · 🤖 Matteo Miotto
Scales function in ggplot2: setting aesthetics mapping

par.2aov function
· 🕘 4 min read · 🤖 Matteo Miotto
Parametric/non parametric test evaluation for multivariate data